Home>ProductClass>Sclerometer>Vickers hardness tester
Product name:Software analysis system of IS-100B Vivtorinox hardness meter
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The micro Vivtorinox hardness measurement system integrates many new professional technologies, such as optical imaging, mechanical displacement, electronic control, digital imaging, image analysis, computer processing and so on. The hardness indentation is digitized on the computer screen, and the metal and part of the non gold are accurately measured by automatic reading and manual reading. The microhardness, hardened layer depth, film thickness, and two point spacing of the materials and various coatings and coatings are also discussed. The metal surface can also be photographed and fixed rate printing. This system breaks through the traditional hardness testing method, and realizes the fast, high precision and high repetition hardness testing. It is an important equipment for material analysis.
Image acquisition: real-time display of hardness images, storage and printing of images.
Automatic measurement: automatically finding four vertices of indentation, fast speed, data accuracy, and various professional algorithms to apply different indentation.
Automatic point finding: picking up the points near the four points of the indentation, the system automatically searches for the best vertex and greatly reduces human error.
Diagonal measurement: the upper and lower corners of the indentation can be read out, and the hardness values can be read out.
Four point measurement: the four vertices of point indentation, and the hardness values are read out.
Micro force measurement: specially designed professional function, can amplify the indentation of the tiny test force (10GF, 25gf, 50gf) in real time without reducing the resolution, and improving the measurement precision.
Hardness Conversion: according to the national standard, the hardness numerical conversion of Brinell Rockwell Vivtorinox knou is carried out automatically and displayed in real time.
Threshold setting: upper and lower limit setting, super difference judgment alarm.
Calibration setting: two calibration methods: test card calibration and hardness block calibration.
Teletext report: automatically record the measured data, automatically generate the hardness depth curve, save or print the hardness depth curve and all the indentation measurements. Save or print the indentation image and the current indentation hardness value. All reports are kept in WORD documents.
Data statistics: the measurement results of multiple indentation are derived from EXCEL data format, and the number of measurements, maximum hardness, minimum, mean value, mean square deviation and so on are automatically counted.
Hardness depth curve:
1, computer host: Lenovo mainstream model
2. Application of operating system: WINDOWS
3. Digital imaging system
High resolution: 3 million pixels
High speed acquisition: 1280X1024 resolution: 25 frames / sec; 640X512 resolution: 79 frames / sec;
High definition: black and white images with better clarity;
Target size: 1/2 inches
4. Automatic reading / manual reading
Automatic reading time: a single indentation reading time is about 300 milliseconds.
Automatic measurement accuracy: 0.1 microns;
Automatic measurement repeatability: + 0.8% (700HV/500gf, clear imaging)
Manual reading: manual point taking, automatic point finding, 4 point measurement, 2 diagonal measurement;
5. Result preservation / output
Storage / output measurement data and experimental parameters, including D1, D2, HV, X, Y, etc.
Storage / output effective hardening layer depth curve report;
Storage / output image.
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